Summer learning loss is the largest single factor affecting the achievement gap between low income and middle class students. When there is no summer learning, low income students typically lose 2 to 3 months of reading ability each year. If we are going to close the achievement gap, summer learning is a key component.
Christ Lutheran has hosted Freedom School since 2009. Now, 50 Middle School Students + 40 Younger Siblings + 10 High Schoolers attend the 6 week Freedom School program.
Thanks to a generous grant from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund since 2011, 200 students attend a 2 week Summer Science Experience Camps held at McClintock Middle School each summer.
In addition , we have been fortunate to place students into a variety of summer sports camps and overnight camps. This summer, 40 students will experience a week of outdoor adventure at Camp Lutheridge, Lutherock, or Camp Agape and another 50 will sharpen their athletic skills during a week of sports camp at Charlotte Latin School. Thank you to all of our partners, donors, and volunteers who make these amazing summer experiences possible.