McClintock Partners In Education (McPIE) began in April 2007 in response to Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Superintendent’s challenge to the faith community to become involved and support high-poverty schools. Christ Lutheran “adopted” McClintock Middle School, and McPIE evolved – a thriving partnership between the church, community, and the school’s students, families, and faculty. McPIE is committed to improving students' academic success and ability to succeed by providing enrichment opportunities and personal supportive relationships for the students and their families throughout middle school.
McPIE’s first program in 2007 was a summer program for 20 students. We asked what the school needed the most. The answer? Building community. So, the weekly Family Night program began that fall, offering students and their families transportation if needed, a warm meal, childcare, and enrichment activities for the entire family at no charge. And that’s just the beginning.
Now, 13 years later, we provide summer programs and placement for over 350 through Freedom School, The Summer Science Experience, Camp Lutheridge and other overnight camps, and Charlotte Latin sports camps. Our Family Night program serves over 300 family members weekly, including 150 McCLintock Middle School students in clubs. Take a look...
Our Mission
From its inception, McPIE has sought to provide McClintock students and families with the necessary tools to break down and remove barriers to educational success. Creating future stories is the central mission of McPIE. Educational success and the ability to envision pathways to careers are essential to any future story. At McPIE, we inspire curiosity and assist in enlarging the hopes and dreams of the students at McClintock Middle School.