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Post-COVID, Family Night returns with a Sampler - October 2021

Able to return to programming inside the school building, a Family Night Sampler during October 2021 was provided. For 4 weeks, students and families returned to campus and enjoyed a warm meal, built community, and "sampled" middle school clubs and parent classes. Each week, middle school students could choose between 4 different club offerings. This enabled students to sample 4 different clubs, and get a glimpse into what a full Spring 2022 semester may be like. 

Middle School clubs included Top Scot Chef, Robotics, Coding, Sketch Squad, Woodworking, Medical Explorers, Innovation Station, Quadcopters, Crafts, and several sports. 

Parent classes included Foresight 20/20, Let's Race, Getting Ahead, Women's Journey, and ESL.

It was great to get back inside the school building and continue building relationships and supporting families. Family Night is now back in full swing as of Spring 2024!


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